Archive for Randomness and personal stuff

I get asked this question constantly. Now that it’s my turn to pick out outfits for my own family portraits, it reminded me how difficult it can be to figure out what to wear. There’s so much time and thought that goes into a portrait session (and expense) that you want to make sure you make good selections.

Here’s some helpful hints:

*Choose timeless clothing. Stay away from busy patterns and prints (and logos).

*When coordinating family photos, choose a few colors and wear different items but don’t be “matchy matchy.”

*Wear clothing that fits. Too loose and too tight clothing can make a person look larger than they are. Also, keep in mind body style when choosing an outfit. I may LOVE white pants, but squeezing my big booty in them just looks BAD.

*When dressing kids, bright colors are fun!!! Don’t be afraid to be bold!!!

*In general my photography style is very relaxed, so stick with fun relaxed clothing. Nothing says “stiff family photos” quite like stiff clothing.

*Jeans almost always photograph well.

*There’s NOTHING wrong with going through your closet and picking out clothes that you already own and coordinating with those. Often people think that they need brand new clothes for a session, but it’s just not true.  My favorite portraits of my own kids are of them in clothing that I didn’t buy specifically for a portrait session, but chose at the last minute from their closet when doing photos.

*Wear clothing that is YOU (or your child). Wear something that represents who you are and your own unique style.

*Accessories are awesome. Scarves, jewelry, etc. etc. They complete the outfit and pull it all together.

* babies photograph best in “baby” type clothing. Onesies, simple outfits, and even in just a diaper cover!

Here’s some of my favorite sites for clothing:

p.s. gals don’t tell your hubby or significant other where you got this helpful information from. They may blame me, the innocent photographer. 😉

And because I can’t possibly post without a photo… here’s a sneak peak of a handsome little fella and his spectacular hat…


Our dog is like a child to me. My husband makes fun of me to no end about this, but I can’t help it. I love our dog!!!! We got Nina when Miss K was just two years old. They’ve always been the best of friends. Miss K is in charge of feeding her and keeping her water bowl full. She’s a digger and a bird chaser but we love her dearly.




This is how life is supposed to be…..


my three and their “run faster, jump higher” shoes

My gramma taught me that “no matter what you gotta always be fair with your kids.”

It’s just convenient that they all wanted the same pair this time. LOL!

blog2we love to snuggle around my house. And watch cartoons and draw. 😀

blog1oh and a WHOLE LOTTA baseball.

Can’t forget that.

It’s a must for everyone at least three times a day.

blog3scooters and bikes…

those are also must have for sunny weekends.

cookingwmrsoh and did I tell you that my hubby is a FABULOUS cook???!!!!

yes, he’s awesome and no, you can’t have him. 😉

dishesoh yes, he does dishes too.

EYE CANDY right there.

Yep, he’s hot.

That’s the good stuff right there.

My family.

I’m off this entire weekend and it’s kinda weird to have three days off in a row. That hasn’t happened in quite awhile!!!  I work when people are off work (and everywhere in between). It’s the rare occasion to be able to sit around in my jammies for an entire day and organize my closet, do laundry, and clean my house for a barbeque (like my day today).

It’s a guilty pleasure though, because I had to tell so many people “no, I’m not available on XX date or XX date.” It’s a tough position to be in when I’ve worked so very hard to be where I am in business. It’s become difficult to schedule time “off.” I love my job so much, but I love my family so much more. I don’t want to tell my kids “no” in order to tell someone else “yes.”

Anyway, enough of my random Saturday evening ramblings. I will be around come Tuesday morning if someone should need to get ahold of me. I’m not going anywhere, but I’m giving myself a mental break from work for the weekend.

And because I can’t possibly handle having a post without a photo, here’s a picture of the three kiddos that I will be spending the next couple of days with….


Miss K.

Because I’m completely and utterly biased towards my sweet little girl and I think she’s the prettiest thing ever.

I got my first camera when she was born almost eight years ago.

She’s still my muse.

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I took these at a family barbeque. I probably would have dressed her in nicer jeans had I planned on doing a session with her.

But you know…. this is HER.

Her holey jeans, her messed up hippie hair.

She’s perfect.