Archive for Randomness and personal stuff

So, I’m horribly behind on my blog for regular sessions and weddings, but I just HAVE to post the most exciting thing that’s happened in my life ALL year!!!

My older brother (my only blood sibling, older by 18 months) and his wife, miss Natalie had their first baby on August 29th, 2010. I was photographing a wedding when I got the news that I was an auntie to one beautiful little girl. I cried when I heard the news!!!!

Because I’m so far behind in posting, I hadn’t even posted their maternity session yet, but I figured I’d do it now and introduce the prettiest little girl I’ve ever seen (other than my own!).

I’ll be doing their first “regular” newborn session next week, so I’m sure I’ll be back showing her off a little bit more 😉


Natalie, you are GORGEOUS!!!


this is love.


these two are AWESOME. This describes their fun relationship perfectly!!!




not even fair to look that good while pregnant 😉


my absolute favorite. I can’t even explain how much I love this photo!!!



beautiful family


this photo of my big brother and his little baby girl just makes my heart melt.


okay, she’s ridiculously ADORABLE!!!!!!!!


her foot in his hand.

Thanks for letting me share my exciting news!!! I’m off to catch up on the rest of my work now!!!

SOOOOO, life is crazy busy.  I often forget to take snaps of my kids (let alone share about them), but my main camera body broke, I bought a new one while I waited the repair of the old one. It came back yesterday and of course I just HAD to test it out on my kiddos. Not ideal lighting conditions, kids weren’t dressed for photos (in the slightest) but you know, I just didn’t care!!! I normally would put these in the “print later” pile of photos of my kids, but I want to keep things as real as possible here on my site. THIS is my life. These are my kids. Messy hair, two year old in diapers, and my middle child who refuses to be photographed, etc, etc. Too often I try to make things so perfect that I forget that life happens as it happens.

My aunt and uncle also introduced a new cousin into the world this last week and lucky for me I got to visit them and take a few photos!!! Of course, I MUST share how ridiculously cute she is!!!

So yeah, here’s randomness of my life the last couple of days (besides the normal sessions I do regularly)…


I asked my oldest to pose for the camera while I took some snaps (to test the camera) and she of course complied.

My youngest decided that he would pose the same way as big sister and this is what I got!!

Makes me laugh hysterically.

Of course they’re my kids so maybe you won’t laugh as hard, but it’s funny to me!!!


she has such amazing depth at only 8 years old.

Don’t even get me started at how scared I am for her to become a teenager. Oh holy cow I’ll need prayers!!!


my middle guy refused his photo be taken, but he did want me to take a picture of him golfing.

He almost broke a window with the swing after I took this. Darn kid has more talent in sports at four than I did in my entire life!


love his sweet face!!!


My new cousin!!!! I took a few pics of her at the hospital the day after she was born!! We’ll be doing her newborn session soon

so I’ll post more of her sweet face then!!!


After trying for kids for over ten years and deciding that they wouldn’t have kids, my uncle and aunt unexpectedly got pregnant.

It’s an absolute miracle, and watching them with their first baby just melts my heart. I love them dearly!!!


sweet sleeping bebe.

Makes me want another.

I’m seriously trying to shake off the “baby fever” since seeing her!


“hey dad! What’s happening?”

So this last month has been the busiest month I’ve ever had in my life.  July is by far my busiest month work wise, but added on top of it was a whole bunch of craziness. Thankfully God is good and we’ve managed to stay sane throughout all of it!

Let me jump right in and explain all the busy-ness (yes new word. Dictionary of Jenica).

My dad met the woman of his dreams. (WHOOP WHOOP). Dad got engaged, offered to sell us his house (which is HUGE compared to the tiny house we owned). So, we thought, “yes, this would be wonderful, but how on earth will we sell our house in this market?!!” So we mulled over the idea and started our ideas for putting it up on the market. Not a week later, a friend of ours was looking for homes and I teased her about us selling ours. She responded “I’m totally interested, tell me about it.” So I wrote her a huge message about our house and told her how much we were wanting for it. She writes back and says it sounds PERFECT and could we send pictures of it to her. Ok, I guess. I tried not to get my hopes up about it, but took pics and emailed them to her. She writes back and says that they’d like to make an appointment to see it. So we cleaned up the house and got it ready to show them. They come see it and fell in love and decided that they wanted to buy it. At this point I was like, “Okay God, apparently this is all part of your plan and if it’s up to you, it will work out.”

Fast forward a week.

At the same time we signed loan papers with my friend and her hubby, we signed papers with my dad to buy his house. All is good and we move forward. We started cleaning up/painting/renovating my dad’s house.

Fast forward two weeks;

Got all walls painted, carpets and flooring put in, and helped dad move out all of his stuff. We worked day/night on our project since we were closing in 30 days.  I cleaned/painted/renovated by day and edited by night. I did weddings/sessions in between and was tired. REALLY tired.

Two days ago we started moving into the new place and we’re almost done unpacking. After 12 moves in 10 years we’re moving pros. 😉

One day ago my dog decided to kill a raccoon that invaded the backyard. $417 and 12 stitches later, she’s just fine. Not a moving expense I had planned on, but at this point ya gotta roll with the punches if ya know what I mean.

My dad is getting married on September 25th (and yes, I’m photographing the wedding, so you will see pics!!). He’s staying with us until he ties the knot. My kids are SUPER excited to be living in “grandpa’s house” and I’m sooooo happy to be able to have people over and not feel cramped. Today we had the family birthday party for my daughter and it was so nice to have everyone over and have plenty of entertaining space!!

So while the timing has been interesting moving mid-July with five weddings and countless sessions, but it’s all worked out.

Right now I’m working hard editing all the beautiful wedding photos from the last few weeks and I’ll start posting all the previews as quickly as I can. I’ve somehow by the grace of God managed to stay on top of my normal work throughout this crazy time.

I would like to publicly thank my good friends Rhonda and Lindsay. They have helped out more than I can even explain. They’ve cared for my kids, helped me move, and Lindsay has been my right hand girl with the house stuff!!!  She helped me rip out carpet, make dump runs, and without her (and Rhonda) there’s no way we would have gotten this much done this quickly. They’ve been there with me when I’ve had my meltdowns, laughed with me and cried with me.

I’d also like to thank my dad for his AWESOME work remodeling the kitchen and making sure this house was finished for us. He has been so incredibly generous and I’m a lucky gal to have a daddy like him. I’m so incredibly excited for him to start his new life with his soon to be wife. They are a perfect pair and it’s just been incredible to see him this happy.

I’m blessed beyond words.

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my dorky self at a wedding.

(Taken by Leya)

oh my goodness, I do this every year, but every time my baby girl has a birthday I get all weepy and amazed at how old she is!!!

Derrick and I had Keely when we were young and we traveled the world with her. She’s the one that introduced us to parenthood. She’s incredibly smart, beautiful and one of the funniest kids I’ve ever met in my life. She reads constantly (there’s never a moment when she doesn’t have a book in her hand) and she’s just plain cool.

I love you SOOOOOOO much Keely.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!



I love this one, but as a mama it makes me want to lock her up till she’s thirty!!!

k5this is the goofy girl I know!!!

Nine years ago today I married the man of my dreams. We’ve had three kids together, moved 12 times (thirteen times next month), endured military life for over 6 years, and we have been through more than I could have imagined.

I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

He’s a great father, great husband, great cook, and my best friend. He supports my dreams, wipes my tears, and loves me even if I’m having a bad day. He’s patient, caring, a good leader, and I’m the luckiest girl to have him as my husband.

Happy Anniversary Derrick!!!

Thank you for marrying me and putting up with all my craziness. I love you sooooooo much.


(image by my good friend Elena one year ago)