Miss K.
Because I’m completely and utterly biased towards my sweet little girl and I think she’s the prettiest thing ever.
I got my first camera when she was born almost eight years ago.
She’s still my muse.
I took these at a family barbeque. I probably would have dressed her in nicer jeans had I planned on doing a session with her.
But you know…. this is HER.
Her holey jeans, her messed up hippie hair.
She’s perfect.
She is absolutely gorgeous!
beautiful Love the pictures
I thought I was a photographer before my daughter was born, but she has taught me more in 10 months than in the years prior. Our life and our art is truly captured in our children. And whoever said you were “unprofessional” for posting your personal stuff (awhile back) can just go fly a kite! It tells everyone what kind of person and photographer you are! (And yes your daugher is GORGEOUS!) 🙂
She is beautiful for sure!! LOVE THESE!!!
LOVE!! She is just so beautiful!! <3
Sooooooo pretty in purple. Grandma Bernice’s favorite! Love the contrast of colors!