Archive for May, 2010

I can’t even begin to explain how much I love the people I work with. Every single one of these sessions was a blast and the families are just incredible.

I’m about to get all blabby and emotional, so I’ll just let you get to the photos…. 😉


Miss H was one of my best friends in junior high and high school. It’s so exciting to see her expecting her first little one.

Pregnancy looks great on you!!! Can’t wait to meet the new addition!!


Isn’t this little bundle absolutely perfect!!!

His parents are totally awesome too. 😀


LOVE this one.



they’re both smiling.

this one’s my favorite.


HELLLOOOO canvas baby.


I’ve been photographing this little man for three years!!! He just turned four and I absolutely adore him and his family.

I can’t even believe how time flies!!


His mama totally “gets” me and my style and knows how much I LOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEE lifestyle sessions.

Kids being kids.

Doesn’t get much better than that!!!!


I’m off this entire weekend and it’s kinda weird to have three days off in a row. That hasn’t happened in quite awhile!!!  I work when people are off work (and everywhere in between). It’s the rare occasion to be able to sit around in my jammies for an entire day and organize my closet, do laundry, and clean my house for a barbeque (like my day today).

It’s a guilty pleasure though, because I had to tell so many people “no, I’m not available on XX date or XX date.” It’s a tough position to be in when I’ve worked so very hard to be where I am in business. It’s become difficult to schedule time “off.” I love my job so much, but I love my family so much more. I don’t want to tell my kids “no” in order to tell someone else “yes.”

Anyway, enough of my random Saturday evening ramblings. I will be around come Tuesday morning if someone should need to get ahold of me. I’m not going anywhere, but I’m giving myself a mental break from work for the weekend.

And because I can’t possibly handle having a post without a photo, here’s a picture of the three kiddos that I will be spending the next couple of days with….


Miss K.

Because I’m completely and utterly biased towards my sweet little girl and I think she’s the prettiest thing ever.

I got my first camera when she was born almost eight years ago.

She’s still my muse.

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I took these at a family barbeque. I probably would have dressed her in nicer jeans had I planned on doing a session with her.

But you know…. this is HER.

Her holey jeans, her messed up hippie hair.

She’s perfect.

Here’s a few outstanding seniors that I photographed a couple of weeks ago. They’re all from the class of 2010. I have a few more blog posts of seniors to get done in the next couple of weeks before graduation.

Part of the reason I have such a hard time posting these, is that I have so much to say about how wonderful these people are. I can’t even begin to explain the awe and amazement I have of some of these young folks. They’re determined, they’re smartand they’re just really cool!!!  (I know, my lame words like “cool.” Sorry, I’m old).

I could write a novel on each of them.

like this beautiful girl who is well beyond her years…






And this gorgeous gal who battled (and beat) cancer when she was little. They didn’t know if she would survive or not…





And this handsome young man who is quite the musician…





This little guy was the SWEETEST!!!! He took awhile to finally fall asleep, but when he did he was out like a light.






little baby details!!
