I’m kinda unlike a lot of the other studios and photographers in that I don’t run very many sales or specials. SOOOOOO, due to many many MANY requests, I’m having a special. Now that senior season is slowing and I’m gearing up towards wedding season, this is my last chance to have a sale before the Christmas rush starts again.
So here’s the dealio, yo.
The mini-sessions are for up to four people. Locations can be Willow Grove beach park, Lake Sacajawea, Tamo-Shanter Park, or at my studio!
Sessions will last 20-30 minutes. It can be for a high school senior, business head shots, kids, families, couples, engagement, babies, dogs, etc!!
You can add extra people for $30 each. Mini-sessions are only held during the weekdays. Do not worry, though, I will have evening appointments available for those who work during the day.
Spots are limited and will only be booked through June 18th (special is not available for sessions after that date).
I’m loving all these little babies that have super duper cool parents who call me and want me to photograph them. Seriously,
I get to hold and snuggle and photograph little tiny babies all the time. I get to capture their newness so mom and dad can look back and remember how small they once were.
It’s amazing how quickly they grow from the time I do the session to two weeks later when we do the ordering appointment. I can’t even get over how quickly they change in that short of time. As a mama myself I realize how time flies by too quickly.
See I’m getting all emotional again. It’s probably the fact my daughter will be turning eight next month and “the baby” is potty training and not even a baby anymore.
Okay on to non-emotional things.
Wait, no.
These baby photos might make you cry as well. I dunno…..
This little precious guy was SOOOOOO perfect and sleepy for his session. He fell asleep right away and was a perfect subject.
(I think I”m in love with the new green background. If you couldn’t tell by now, I like Lemons and green. Oh and coffee and chocolate if you’re really interested in the goofy details of Jenica’s life. HAHAHA!!)
I love the super close ups of the face. The cute little lips, the peaceful sleep look.
Here’s the new baby’s super hysterical three year old brother!!! LOVE this kid!!
He kept me quite entertained while photographing him!!
My favorite kind of family photos.
Just beautiful.
Here’s little M that came back for his five month photos!!!
His newborn can be seen here, Maternity of his mama and photos of his older siblings can been see here.
LOVE this one!!!
Sooooo incredibly cute and smiley!
Can’t resist this little face….
I’ve had a record amount of sessions lately. I’m getting closer and closer to hiring a staff member just to keep up. I would like to publicly thank my AWESOME and amazing husband for doing all the dishes and cooking. Without him, I think I would lose my mind! He’s taken up the hobby of creating delicious meals and I’m taking up the hobby of gaining weight from those meals. It’s fun for everyone! (minus the whole pants getting tighter sort of thing….)
Anyhoo, I love love LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE my clients for being not only gorgeous, but amazing people to work with. So thank you all!!!
Without further babbling, here’s some fun from this last week….
Hello cutie pattootie. I could seriously take her home.
okay seriously, the parents of these two beauties are gonna be in TROUBLE when they get older.
Just sayin. 😉
two kids looking/smiling/and in a perfect setting equals IMPOSSIBLE
except for these two.
Gorgeous AND well behaved.
um, it’s seriously not fair to be this amazing looking and nine months pregnant.
Of course, you should see her gorgeous wedding photos…
Now one year after their wedding, they’re expecting baby #1.
and it’s a BOY!!!
okay, one of my most favorite maternity shots EVER
like ever.
totally Anne’s idea, and it’s so cool I wish it were my idea!
okay, this is a favorite too.
How perfect are they?!!!!
um, I could keep her too.
Isn’t she the cutest little one year old??
of of my most favorite mom/daughter photos to date.
I love everything about this one.
Hello beautiful sister!!!
(who happens to be my daughter’s best friend!)
I won’t lie, this is my favorite family photo of the week.
Again, love everything about this one!!!
I want this to be me and my kids.
Seriously love this one too!!!
Okay I guess that will be all today. I have more sessions to edit, kids to play with, and sleep would be nice as well!