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Just wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Lemondrops Photography. Thank you all for your love and support.

God Bless!!


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I LOVE this family.

Okay, well it’s probably because they’re family of ours. Mr. R is my hubby’s cousin. He’s the brother to this beautiful bride.

They live in Nashville, TN and came all the way to have me photograph them!! HAHA kidding. I’m not that cool.They came for Christmas but I got to steal them away to do a session. This is the first time I’ve gotten to meet their newest addition. He’s now four months old and the cutest little thing. He was a really good sport about having his photos done. He didn’t even fuss once!!!

Thanks R family for putting up with me. I sure enjoyed hanging out with you guys and I can’t wait to see you for our family Christmas get-together!!

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Mrs. R you are absolutely gorgeous!!


I get that look a lot from babies.

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they’re so perfect it almost hurts

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okay now  THIS is my favorite. New processing for me. Whatcha think?

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good from this angle too!!


this one makes me smile


I love color !!!

These little munchkins were a kick! Miss B was quite the character making funny faces at me and her older brother Mr. L was so well behaved. They’re both such good kids. We got a lot of great shots of the two of them!

Thanks so much for a wonderful session. I hope you enjoy the preview!

sb1so handsome!

sb2totally makes me laugh

sb3love that flower!



Her expression just kills me. It’s complete perfection!

Yes, I know you’ve all been waiting for me to post pictures. I’ve posted a few on facebook the last couple of weeks, but none with a “real” camera. I’m still not *quite* done yet (few minor touches here and there) but overall it’s just about finished.

I’ve already had five newborn sessions in the studio and it’s been completely amazing to have all of my props handy. It’s also been really nice for client meetings and ordering appointments.

I’m so excited to finally have a place of my own!!! I’m still doing 90% of my sessions on location (so no worries folks, lemondrops is staying the same!). It’ll be nice to have a place to do sessions in case the weather is bad, or for newborn, kids, and the occasionally family session.

I will be having an open house sometime in the next few weeks. I haven’t finalized a date yet, but I will keep you posted when I do so you can come see the new place!!

Thanks so much for all the well wishes, prayers, and encouragement. I honestly feel like it’s a dream coming true!!!!


client meeting area/ordering room

studio-1rsother view


the blank space on the wall is where I’m going to project images (when I get a projector, hopefully soon)

studio-5rsboring office area

studio-8rsin the “studio area”


studio area. Not quite finished, but getting there.




Yes, that’s what my friend told me I was like. Normally that would be a strange comment, but for a photographer who tries to be stealthy when shooting a wedding, I try to be quite “ninja like.”

So thank you dear friend, for calling me “ninja like.” It made my day.

For your viewing pleasure, a few photos of me in action courtesy of my friend Elena.


that must be my thinking face. I’m not sure.

but its scary.


look I’m invisible!


I have no idea.


new fav quote:

“If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?”

Tiger Woods