I just wanted to say “thank you” to everyone for supporting me and my business. Thanks for trusting me as your photographer to capture your life’s moments and for helping support my family financially. Thank you to those who read my blog and who send people my way.

Thanks to my awesome husband for putting up with me and my crazy self. To my dad who comes over every morning to get Miss K off to school. To my sister Lynsay for being the best nanny to my kids. Thanks to my friends who support me emotionally and let me come cry with them when I’m having a rough day. Thanks to my mom for being my biggest fan and always cheering me on. To my photographer friends who are always inspiring me and helping me get better.  Finally thank you Lord for everything. I am nothing without you.

I’m sorry to get all mushy on you today. I’m just truly grateful that I’m able to do what I love and have it as my job!!

So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And because posts on a photography blog are boring without photos… here’s on of my middle guy hanging out on a bike at his Nana’s house.


  • What a great post! It’s important to let people know how much you appreciate them! This is a PERFECT shot!!! I LOVE it! You are an inspiration!
