Archive for March, 2009

These boys are a riot!

I’m friends with their mom and we do their pics every few months. I get a kick out of photographing these boys since they know me so well. Mr. D kept asking where Mr. I was (my son). They are buddies and we get together as often as we can. Both boys are the same ages as my boys so it’s really fun to watch them grow. Baby “T” just turned a year old this week. Mr. D turned three a few weeks ago. They are too cute!!

I hope you enjoy the preview!




hugging or choking, we’re not sure which….




this one is my husband’s favorite. I was editing and he starting laughing pretty hard at this one…



My new theme song…

Totally speaks to me. I totally make mistakes in life and though I try to live as I should, I often fail. So “I will not be moved” explains exactly how I feel lately. I’m not very good with words (if you couldn’t tell by my blog posts, haha) so I like to communicate through music and photos.

Here’s the lyrics:

Natalie Grant

“I will not be Moved”

I have been a wayward child,
I have acted out,
I have questioned sovereignty,
and had my share of doubts,

And though sometimes,
my prayers feel like their bouncing off the sky,
the hand that holds won’t let me go,
and is the reason why

I will stumble, I will fall down
But I will not be moved
I will make mistakes, I will face heartache,
But I will not be moved

On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand,
I will not be moved

Bitterness has plagued my heart,
many times before,
My life has been a broken glass,
and I have kept the score,
of all my shattered dreams,
and though it seemed,
that I was far too gone,
my brokenness helped me to see,
it’s grace I’m standing on.

I will stumble, I will fall down
But I will not be moved
I will make mistakes, I will face heartache,
But I will not be moved

On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand,
I will not be moved

And chaos in my life,
has been a badge I’ve worn,
and though I have been torn,
I will not be moved

I will make mistakes, I will face heartache,
But i will not be moved

On Christ the solid rock I stand,
all other ground is sinking sand,
I will not be moved

My middle son’s nickname is “Tinker.” It’s short for stinker.

His true passion is baseball (and football, and soccer, and anything and everything to do with a ball and throwing). Tinker often gets into trouble playing ball in the house and hitting brother and sister with whatever ball he has. It’s an ongoing battle we have with him, but I’m hoping to channel that energy into something more positive. So on Friday before play group I took him to the local ball field to let off some steam doing what he does best. With the baby strapped to my back and a camera in hand, I let Tinker do his thing.

Here’s the results…
