Posts Tagged newborn photography

I can’t even begin to explain how much I love the people I work with. Every single one of these sessions was a blast and the families are just incredible.

I’m about to get all blabby and emotional, so I’ll just let you get to the photos…. 😉


Miss H was one of my best friends in junior high and high school. It’s so exciting to see her expecting her first little one.

Pregnancy looks great on you!!! Can’t wait to meet the new addition!!


Isn’t this little bundle absolutely perfect!!!

His parents are totally awesome too. 😀


LOVE this one.



they’re both smiling.

this one’s my favorite.


HELLLOOOO canvas baby.


I’ve been photographing this little man for three years!!! He just turned four and I absolutely adore him and his family.

I can’t even believe how time flies!!


His mama totally “gets” me and my style and knows how much I LOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEE lifestyle sessions.

Kids being kids.

Doesn’t get much better than that!!!!


This little guy was the SWEETEST!!!! He took awhile to finally fall asleep, but when he did he was out like a light.






little baby details!!


This little darling baby girl was such a good sleeper!!! She konked out right at the beginning of the session and was absolutely wonderful to work with.

She put up with me putting a cute little tutu and headband on her for her fun girly girl photos. Most babies wouldn’t tolerate such a thing, but she did awesome.

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. S on a beautiful baby girl.

She’s perfect!



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FAVORITES!!! (so excited about these!!)

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I love the little details of babies


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It’s been a busy couple of weeks between seniors, new babies, engagement sessions,  a wedding, and all the other crazy stuff I do. I’m finally caught up on editing, but WAY behind on posting these beautiful life’s moments.

The hubster and I are finally taking a weekend off (no sessions for me, and no work for him). I think it’s been about six months since we’ve had an uneventful, non-working weekend. I’m going to “un-plug” and do crazy things like watch television for hours on end and read for a change.

I have been looking forward to my weekend off for the past month. WHOOT!!!!!!!

SOOOOOO, I’ll be back to my regular blogging schedule come Monday and Tuesday (so keep checking back then!).

For now, here’s a sweet photo of a precious little baby girl from this last week….

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This sweet baby was absolute perfection for her session. She was only four days old (and though I didn’t photograph her mama, she looked AMAZING for just having a baby).

Speaking of baby girls, I just found out I’m getting a NIECE!!!!!!!!!! Yup, had to throw that one out there since I’m soooooo excited. My big brother (by 18 months) and his wife are expecting their first baby and just found out yesterday that “there are no boy parts!” Yay for fun frilly things and me getting off the hook for having another one. Of course hubby said “but it’s not OURS!” (he wants another baby girl so bad but I’m a little too busy with kiddos as it is). I won’t lie, he’s wearing me down. He’s now cooking and doing all the dishes… hard to resist such an awesome hubster. 😛

Okay, back to this baby….. SUPER CUTE, perfect, love love love love newborn sessions.


On to the photos….

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check out those chubby cheeks.



okay I’ll admit. I’m a wee bit obsessed with this fur. Seriously AMAZING for photos.


her mama bought this one big for the wall.

love me some baby feet!

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I want to pinch her cheeks!

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fun new angle!

I likey!