Last week I read a story on one of my photographer friend’s blog that affected me more than I could have imagined. The photographer is Christy Lacy and the story was about a little girl named Layla Grace.

She is a little girl who is dying of cancer. She’s the same age as my youngest son. I can’t even begin to explain how reading her story saddens me.

The blog that her parents have made documenting their lives is here:

I normally don’t read about stories like these. It breaks my heart too much as a mama of young children. But for whatever reason this little girl has affected me tremendously. Layla’s time is very short. She may live a few more hours or a few more days but her body is shutting down and these are the last moments her family has with her.

Please join me in praying for comfort and peace for Layla and her family.

My heart breaks for them…


  • Julie Toney

    Jenica, I’m glad you shared this with us. I will be praying for this little girl and family. It has really touched my heart also with a little one the same age. Tears have been brought to my eyes.

  • Praying for little miss Layla! It is heartbreaking! May they find peace in their hearts through this time.
