okay, you all know how emotional I get sometimes, but holy moly, my youngest is THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did the time go???????
We did a session last week and I got so many that are just exactly his personality. LOVE that kid!!!!
“you ruined my life.”
this is exactly him. a total “cheese ball”
he’s constantly making this face to get us to laugh!!!
I’m horribly behind in blogging all the beautiful weddings from this past fall. Of course, I’m spending more time with my kiddos lately, so that’s my (good) excuse. 😉
Here’s a fun slideshow I made for Chris and Laura. They received their images months ago, but I wanted to share with all of you!!!
I hope you enjoy!
My gorgeous friend BriAnne is having her second baby here in a couple months. I’ve photographed her and her family multiple times over the last few years. In fact her little guy is still on my portfolio website from his newborn photos. It’s so fun to watch her family grow.
She’s absolutely gorgeous!!! Thanks Bri for having me do your photos. As always it’s so fun to see you!!
Today has been one of those days where I’ve smiled most of the day. I’ve been working out again and I finally feel at peace with life. I’m glad that business is calmer in these colder months. It’s nice to have more time to spend with my kiddos and my husband. More time to breathe, and time to smile.
Though it’s my super “slow” time, I’m ten times busier this year in January than I was even a year ago. I cannot believe how busy you all have kept me. THANK YOU for still having me do what I love so much even when the weather turns yucky. 😀
In other news:
I’ve been working on a 365 project where I take on photo every day for 365 days. It’s my own personal project and so far I’ve completed ten days (I still have to do today’s photo). I’ve had so much fun stretching myself to take an interesting photo that has nothing to do with my “normal” work. My own rules say that it has to be personal and tell a bit of a story. I took this photo when I was trying a self portrait for one of the days.
I’ll share more of my personal project photos once I complete a whole month. 😀
And remember to smile!!!
Okay, I’m going to be totally honest with you all. A long time ago I used to say that I would never do studio work. Part of it was lack of understanding lights, backgrounds, etc. Part of it was not having the location to do it. But the major reason was that I thought I couldn’t do “fun” work in the studio. I felt as though getting good photos of people was only going to happen outside. I hated the idea of tacky backdrops and cheesy props.
I’ve been doing studio work for a few years now and have been in my studio location for a year and a half.
I have grown to LOVE it.
This session totally and completely confirmed that I could get REAL personality with a group of kids and teens in studio. They all had so much personality and made me really realize how much I can do against a simple backdrop with just a couch.
Here’s some of my favorites from the session.