I had the pleasure of photographing my brother-in-laws wedding with my sister-in-law Jessica (of Jessica Lemmons Photography). It’s not too often that there are two professional photographers in a family! Jessica and I made a great team and we had a great time documenting the event.
Craig couldn’t have picked a better girl to marry. Nicole is an absolute gem. Not only is she beautiful, she’s smart, creative, funny, and incredibly nice. I’m lucky to have two really awesome sister-in-laws!!
I only have time to post a couple today, as we’re off to another family event (birthday party!). Our weekends are incredibly full when you’re a Lemmons.
and of course I couldn’t resist posting a picture of this. I bought this for Nicole and figured she’s just put it on the side of the table. Craig begged her to use it for their actual cake topper and it was hilarious!
Nice work girls!! We have the most beautiful and talented daughters-in-law ever. P.S. Nicole made her own wedding cake, WOW. Our boys have done well and we couldn’t be happier. Love Mom L.