Miss C and I had a quick 15 minute session together yesterday. She’s independent and cute as cute can be. At one point she started getting sassy with me (which honestly I didn’t notice since I have a little girl of my own and it’s common). Anyhow, her mama said “you need to apologize to Miss Jenica.” To which Miss C said “Miss Jenica I apologize for being rude and I would like to ask for your forgiveness. Could you please forgive me?”

I almost melted into a puddle right there.

She was so genuine and sincere in her apology. Her mom and dad are teaching her well! I know quite a few adults who could learn this lesson (myself including). How often we don’t admit when we’re wrong and ask for forgiveness. She did it right away and without hesitation.

Sometimes I learn some great lessons from those that are small.

sb9Edited to add: due to some weird color shift changes from firefox, I changed the pictures from the post. Sorry about the neon colors. I figured out my issue now. Enjoy the (smaller) photos.
