So a lot of you who know my son, know that he is the most difficult child to photograph. He’s two, going on three here in March and I have maybe three decent smiling pics of him from the last year. Well, friday night he decided that for a split second he would look straight into the camera and give mom a really nice smile.

He’s going through one of those two year old phases where everything is “no” and “I don’t want to.” My sister who babysits him while I work has to deal with his uncooperative behavior a few times a week. It’s a tough time and I’m hoping he grows out of it. Between that and the tantrums, he’s gonna cause me some grey hairs. Though when he says things like “I’m sorry mama…” it melts my heart and turns me into a big pile of mush. He can be the sweetest little boy and at the same time be the biggest stinker. I love him sooooo very much…

my two year old
